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August 14 Prayer (Psalm 4:8 Devotional)

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Happy August! Are you looking for an August 14 prayer to read and reflect on? We provide a guiding Bible verse, prayer questions, and example prayer for the day below.

These all come from our August Bible Reading Plan about Overwhelming Peace, so click here for the printout so you can follow along with us!

Once you’ve received your printout, Please sign up here if you’d like to receive the prayer devotionals daily in your inbox. Each month we will provide a theme for the month, a reading plan, and then daily devotionals sent to you based on that reading plan. Here is August’s!


Bible verse for August 14

“In peace I will both lie down and sleep; for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety.” Psalm 4:8 ESV


Grab the August Bible Reading Plan below!


August 14 Prayer Reflection

Our livestock guardian dog is terrified of fireworks and thunderstorms.

Go figure. She will chase a coyote off the property like nobody’s business. But I guess coyotes don’t make as much noise as celestial rumblings and human celebrations.

So how does she handle her fear? Her first reaction is to try to find me.

When that doesn’t work she goes to plan B. She finds peace in a secluded place where she knows these menacing events can’t reach her. That place is usually in the barn.

Since I spend a lot of time outside caring for our different animals, I often get caught in the barn when thunderstorms begin. So the very best place for our guardian dog is to be in the barn with me in a secluded corner.

You see, there is something about my presence that reassures her that everything will be Ok. Why? Because she already knows that I take care of her other needs for food and water. I also make sure she gets her health needs met. I am her guardian and master.

It reminds me of the Scripture that King David wrote when he was afraid as he was being pursued by his enemies who wanted to kill him. I can’t think of anything more frightening. Here are his words:

“In peace I will both lie down and sleep; for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety.” Psalm 4:8 ESV

Do you have that kind of relationship with God? The kind that makes you feel safe in His presence?

The difference between our connection with God and a dog’s connection with its master is that we don’t have to go looking for Him. He is always with us if we are part of the family of God.

So often we don’t feel like God is with us because we don’t spend enough time talking to Him and letting Him talk to us. Then when scary things happen our reaction is, “Where is God when I need Him?”

If you are having trouble finding God, start talking to Him through prayer. Not just once a day. Do it often. It does not have to be long or with your eyes closed. It can simply be a “thank you” for something lovely in nature. Or it can be, “God I am afraid but I will trust you.” God wants to hear from us.

Then be sure and let God talk to you. This happens mostly through Bible reading.

We need peace. We need rest.  And to have both, we need the presence of God.

August 14 Prayer 

Dear God, You alone are the one whom I can dwell in safety. Help me to always come to You first. Amen.



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  • Sandy Brown

    Sandy Brown is an ordinary farm girl who has been through many difficult life circumstances. She writes under the name S.K. Brown on her website, The Creator’s Classroom. She frequently discusses real-life disappointments and how to rise above them. Her passion is to help her readers know Jesus and in Him find their hope, joy, and peace.  You can also find Sandy on social media at “Women Growing In Joy”, a private group, and “She Finds Hope”, a public page.

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