Will God Ever Answer My Prayer? If you have ever prayed for something for a long time, you have probably wondered if God would ever answer your prayer. Sometimes, it seems that prayers are answered quickly, sometimes before we even really have time to pray about them, and other times, it seems like …
The Tough Questions
Why does God want us to worship Him? Does God need our worship? God has unlimited power and knowledge, and can do anything He wishes. He created us in His image by His own choice and formed a world for us without our input. Then why does God want us to worship Him? There …
We know God is great, but is God greater than our highs and lows? Does anything we go through, good or bad, affect Him? Or is it merely us that go through the rollercoaster of life and let it swing our emotions… True, when life is tough and we are going through difficult times, …
Forgiveness looks different to all of us when approached from a human perspective. Yet, what does forgiveness look like Biblically? How does Jesus say we ought to practice forgiveness? Because it is a practice, a journey if you will that does not always have a full cycle of reconciliation on both sides. Forgiveness can look …
“God, What Do You Want Me To Do?” It’s probably your most frequent prayer. Whispered as small choices confront you. God, what do you want me to do? Then a quick word of thanks as you decide and continue your day. But more likely, you usually cry out this prayer in desperation at the major crossroads …
If you’ve ever read Psalm 51, you may have noticed the different words used to describe sin and wondered, “What is the difference between transgression and sin and iniquity?” King David wrote this psalm after the prophet Nathan confronted him about his sin with Bathsheba. A quick review of 2 Samuel 11:1-27 reminds us it …
Do miracles still happen? Yes, they do. Before you read further, here’s a quick disclaimer: The miracles described in this article are evidence of our good God, His power, and His love, not my proficiency in prayer. They happened because He is all He says He is. The same God who parted the Red Sea, …
Does the Bible Really Say God Hates Divorce? I never allowed my children to use the word “hate.” They could “dislike” something/someone “very much”, but not hate. To me, the word hate had a sinful aspect of intense anger, disgust, and hostility associated with it. I wanted them to think twice before they threw this word around. So when I heard the …
Does God cry? A question that could have a simple yes or no answer, and yet it’s a question loaded with layers of emotion. Because why would we even ask this question? Why does it matter to us whether God cries or not? Is it because we want to think that maybe, just maybe, God …
In a perfect world there would be no wars. No need for national defense, armies or spies. Peace would reign and all countries would get along, sharing resources and contributing for the greater good. Unfortunately, we don’t live in a perfect world. We have a hard time trying to get our own kids to get …