God gave each of us life. But true life is given to those who believe in Jesus. Everyone is born once, but those who trust in Christ are given new life when they are born-again. God gave us life for a reason: to glorify Him and fulfill His purpose here on earth. He doesn’t want …
Life Lessons From The Bible
Exploring life lessons from the Bible, and how these life lessons can change our focus in life from earthly matters to heavenly matters.
Some days, when I find myself in moments of reflection and contemplation, I can’t help but to sign and say something like, “Man, I wish I knew how to pray like Daniel.” The story of Daniel, a remarkable person of biblical history, resonates with those who aspire for wisdom, honor, and above everything else …
To whom much is given much is required is an often quoted truth from the Bible. The biblical truth of Luke 12:48 serves as a guiding principle in a world full of opportunities and blessings: “To whom much is given, much is required.” It is an often quoted phrase—by Christians and non-Christians alike. This simple …
Who was Rachel in the Bible? Growing up attending Sunday school, I learned a lot about the patriarchs of our faith. Adam, Abraham, Noah, Moses, David, Paul…I could rattle off their stories with relative ease. With the exception of perhaps Eve, in that the original sin was always blamed on her, there was no …
Amazing ways about how God provides our needs. God is the God of provision. Abraham, who many consider the father of our faith, was called upon to sacrifice Isaac, the son he had prayed for over the course of many years. He didn’t question God, but instead obediently walked up the mountain with his …
Examples of loneliness in the Bible and how it relates to your current situation. Right now, you may be feeling like you are all alone. Loneliness can drain the joy from your life and thoughts and feelings may crowd into your mind that you are the only one feeling like this. You are not …
4 Lesser Known Bible Characters that Have Something to Teach Us The pages of scripture are full of Bible stories that are awe-inspiring and miraculous. Some have become more popular than others while many Bible characters have fallen through the cracks. Come with me and let’s explore some lesser-known Bible characters and hear their message …
As I was compiling these stories of compassion in the Bible I was overcome with the beauty of the God we serve. A holy and all-powerful God reaches down to His creation with a love and compassion that is incomparable. I pray that you are also moved to worship and praise the great I …
Editor’s Note: If you are looking up Bible verses about drugs, drugs in the Bible, or what does the Bible say about drugs, we know you are most likely in the midst of a tough time. If you are in need of assistance, please call the SAMHSA National Hotline at 1-800-662-HELP if located within the …
Are You a Lukewarm Christian? Here’s How You Can Know. What does it mean to be a lukewarm Christian? As we dive into this question I want you to know, I have nothing but love for those of you reading this. The topic of being a lukewarm Christian can be a hard one to work …