The unconventional motivation prayer for weight loss started when I was at a women’s retreat back in 2022. This was no ordinary women’s retreat. It was called the Whisper Gathering, and it was a retreat that was all about finding the still, small voice of God. We had fun times, but we also dug deep …
Effective Prayer Life
How to create an effective prayer life that draws you closer to God and ready for the life mission He gives you!
There is one thing that always gets my kids, ages 4 through 9, to roll their eyes. I can’t help it though. Every time they say “sorry” to one of their siblings, I always stop them and say “And what does I’m sorry mean?” (insert an eye roll and a “mommmmmm.”) But I make …
We want a prayer for revival, but are we willing to do the steps it takes to create revival? That question has been sitting heavy in my heart lately as I study more about revivals. Like many Christians, I pray to see revival happen once in my lifetime. It is a burning desire …
Life is busy. Finding time to connect with God can be hard. But prayer is powerful. Prayer doesn’t just strengthen our faith, it IS our faith. It does, however, strengthen our relationship with God. Prayer also calms our hearts, and draws us closer to our Creator of Heaven and Earth. Sometimes, …
Before you ask for the perfect wedding dinner prayer, I want you to take a second and imagine this scene: Imagine the joyous occasion of a wedding, filled with the love of close friends and family members, celebrating the wedding blessings of the happy couple. The wedding ceremony has just ended, and now, everyone gathers …
When you want effective prayer points for spiritual growth, make sure you consider this… I didn’t know what to do. I knew I needed spiritual growth, but I was in a church that was not pushing growth. I had no idea where to start. I did know this though: I was constantly falling asleep praying. …
If you are looking for prayers to start a new week, there is something you need to consider first… The night before the start of a new week, I do something called a “brain dump.” A brain dump is where I write down every single thing that is in my head that I need to …
Losing a family member, especially a dear uncle, is a difficult time that brings a heavy burden to our hearts. The loss of an uncle, who often plays a special role and acts as a role model, leaves a significant loss for the whole family. It can also be extremely difficult because losing an uncle …
When we think about prayers for a church family, it is not the same as praying for regular family members. There is a bond of church family that is almost hard to describe. When my dad died, we were still newer to our church. My husband had gotten a job as the youth pastor …
If you are looking for positive thinking prayers, take time to give yourself grace for desiring to go to God first with this problem. We may know that a cheerful heart is good medicine (Proverbs 17:22), but it does not mean it is always easy to get out of a negative mindset. How do we …