If you are searching for prayers for a broken family, there are a few things to remember… In life’s tough moments, we may find ourselves dreaming of the perfect family, where there is abundant joy everywhere and God’s love obviously shining through. But let’s face it. In reality, families can be messy, with hurt and …
Effective Prayer Life
Today’s pastors face much difficulty in their calling and role as shepherds of God’s flock. They must accurately understand and teach the Word of God, discern God’s will, follow His leading, and shepherd their church and family with humility, grace, and love. They serve in a culture increasingly hostile to the gospel and the call …
Prayers of repentance can be a beautiful way to thank God for His steadfast love by constantly going to Him in prayer whenever we are led astray. In moments of reflection and spiritual growth, repentance prayers serve as powerful tools for seeking forgiveness and renewing our connection to God. Repentance is actually one of the …
When you incorporate prayers of praise into your daily prayer life it begins to change how you view your struggles and victories. A prayer of praise to God begins to transform our hearts while praying and speaking to Him strengthens our trust and connection with God. Psalm 100:4 says, “Enter his gates with thanksgiving and …
It is easy to walk joyfully with God when everything in our lives runs smoothly. The sun is shining, friends and family are around us, we are in perfect health, we have a great job, etc. This is when our lives satisfy us. But God doesn’t promise us a life without heartbreak, and He doesn’t …
No one should ever have the feeling that they have nowhere to send their urgent prayer request. In times of urgent need, when we face life’s most challenging moments, many of us turn to the power of prayer. It’s during these difficult times that our faith in Jesus Christ becomes our only hope guiding us …
Sometimes we want to find the perfect prayer for commitment, not realizing that we need to find our commitment for prayer first before we take any step forward! Make commitment a habit to focus on through prayer! When you hear the word commitment – what is the first thing that comes to mind? For some, …
Some days, when I find myself in moments of reflection and contemplation, I can’t help but to sign and say something like, “Man, I wish I knew how to pray like Daniel.” The story of Daniel, a remarkable person of biblical history, resonates with those who aspire for wisdom, honor, and above everything else …
Get ready, because this is a great list that you’ll really want to save. If you’re a Christian woman looking to make your prayers more focused while being able to keep track of your prayer journey, this is for you. We’re talking about the best prayer journals for women! Imagine this: writing down your thoughts …
How praying on the armor of God increases our prayer life. Ms. Clara says in the opening scene of the movie War Room: “War. It’s been part of humanity in every age…There always seems to be something to fight for. But one thing that has been true of every war–behind the field of …