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Prayers for Commitment

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Sometimes we want to find the perfect prayer for commitment, not realizing that we need to find our commitment for prayer first before we take any step forward!

Make commitment a habit to focus on through prayer!

When you hear the word commitment – what is the first thing that comes to mind?

For some, it could be being more committed at work or in your relationship with your spouse and children. For others, it might be being committed to making better decisions, and choices or being more productive and effective in your personal and professional life.

I’ve heard the word commitment used in many circumstances, but a new shift began when I made a decision to be committed to whatever I set my sights on and do everything in that situation to the best of my ability. Think of your New Year resolutions. They are committed to doing something until it becomes a habit. When we don’t put in the hard work, discipline, and commitment, we let ourselves down and our resolutions simply become a list of things we want to achieve.

In my life I choose to be committed to my goals daily – that means being hard-working and determined. But before I begin, my biggest commitment is to serve. Simply being kind compassionate and empathetic, with an optimistic outlook. So, let’s look at what it could look like if you chose to make a commitment. When the going gets tough and fear and doubt arise, being committed is an option, but without it, we won’t succeed. It takes sacrifices in order to do something we care about.

From the commitments we promise to do or the ways we choose to act. Most times our choice to commit to doing something will be out of the ordinary and not always reciprocated. But the more we stand fast to our commitments, the stronger we become, and our character is developed.

The more committed we become, the more disciplined we become and when we achieve our goals or tasks, we gain a feeling of purpose and fulfillment.

Most times we believe commitment only applies to big decisions like getting married or buying a new home. But it can be as simple as choosing to have a cheerful manner at work, smiling and talking to clients and colleagues, and being friendly and polite with everyone we meet.

On the other hand, it could be admitting when you’ve made a mistake and sacrificing your ego to mend a situation or relationship. All of this takes courage, and it displays taking responsibility for your actions and putting others before you through serving. There could be other times we receive criticism from others that we immediately feel defensive about. However constructive criticism can offer you feedback that can help you to reflect on your commitments and how you approach situations and people. In the long run, it can improve your performance in your work and as a person.

I wouldn’t be able to remain committed to what I set out to do, if I didn’t establish my life on the word of God and prayer, because without God’s grace and strength, I would be trying to do everything through my abilities or talents.

I’m learning that commitment is a choice that I can make daily and so I’m sharing four areas I commit to, in prayer and by trusting God.

Prayers for Commitment

Commitment to the process

As a busy woman, I can relate to that feeling where we have to be Wonder Woman, juggling our life, family, work, or business. I remember when I had to deal with a major personal crisis in my life (my happily ever after turned to heartbreak) and I knew I had to remain committed and continue with my work, despite my personal situation and how difficult it felt. I’m quite a practical person, but even in the biggest shift in my life, I had to make a commitment to lean totally on God through a season of change and transition. And allow God to remold my heart so I could step up after my setback.

Now fast forward many years later to becoming a Proverbs 31 woman in this modern world, I feel so privileged to empower other women to do what I did, be committed to the process, and continually improve themselves through setbacks and crises, both personally and professionally.

God’s grace has allowed me to go about my day-to-day life, in the different situations and circumstances I encounter, and use every experience as a lesson for something extraordinary. Every day I get to choose to be better than I was yesterday. And walk in God’s best plan for my life.

The more I look at challenges as learning lessons, the more committed I can be to discovering what I’m capable of.

And so can you.

Because when we encounter tough situations on social media or in our work, we hope things aren’t so difficult. This can be a place to be patient in dissatisfaction and disappointment and keep doing your best while looking for ways to improve the situation.

God notices our dissatisfaction and disappointment and He can turn any situation around. If we choose to be committed to living with integrity, reliant on His word and a daily dialogue of prayer with our Father.

Commitment to Kindness

I have always felt being kind was a better way to get people’s attention, especially as I was working in a competitive team where everyone was doing everything to get ahead.

For me being kind felt like the narrow path, when everyone else was stepping on anyone to get up the ladder; but I always trust God’s plan and though at time it can feel untimely or impossible to speak up. In those stages, we automatically want to put ourselves first.

I admit there’s times I’ve worried that if I didn’t behave in the same way as my colleagues, I could be forgotten. But then I remember that being kind, even when I feel like the underdog – is my choice.

To have the courage to be diligent and hardworking and forget about expecting praise, recognition or a thank you. It’s a commitment to not follow the crowd and not put myself first, because I would rather wait for God’s favour, than try to carve my own success. So, even if you think you’re falling behind, you’re succeeding because you chose a different commitment. One of kindness.

When you feel like you could use an extra shot of motivation to be kind, especially when everyone else might not be, read 2 Corinthians 10:5:

We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:5)


Father, I take every negative thought I have and make it obedient to what you say. I am chosen (Ephesians 1:4) I am valuable (Job 33:4) I have a purpose (Jeremiah 29:11) and I am enough (Ephesians 2:10) I can be kind and successful because I don’t have to focus on the lies from the enemy but on your truth (John 8:32).


Commitment to optimism

For as long as I can remember, my mum said I was always determined to try. I never let any setback in the playground or classroom stop me from being optimistic.

I cannot remember those times I was a chatterbox trying to convince others, because I saw every opportunity to infect those around me with my attitude.

Fast forward to being an adult I’m a lot quieter now, but I’m still not afraid to inspire others with optimism. Because it’s one of the most powerful tools I have and combined with persistence it can help me push and keep pushing until the doors through prayer open.

Prayer requires an optimistic attitude, it might feel like you’re asking God for the same thing day after day, all the time, but it’s not something I think we should apologise for. 

Are you committed to be optimistic and persistent in prayer?

Particularly when you find yourself in dark moments and there’s no light. Take yourself away to a quiet spot, look up more and you will see God’s light shining a light for you to keep going, keep praying and believing. The way we think can benefit or hinder our walk with God and alter our view of Him.

Read these verses in Proverbs: Proverbs 17:22 and Proverbs 15:13, then pray for a cheerful heart.


Father, help me practice renewing my mind through reading your word and daily prayer. Although life may bring many trials, help me continually renew my mind, so that I may notice those things that once led me to despair. Then turn my eyes towards you and lead me to praise instead. I trust in your sovereignty, over disappointment – by renewing my thoughts in your promises, I have peace and joy and know you are supreme over my situation.


Commitment to being compassionate and empathetic

Saying we are going to be committed to something is easy to do. Keeping the commitment is all about how you choose to ‘be’ in straightforward or difficult situations. How committed are you to helping others?

From your community to the stranger in the street? It stands with supporting and advocating an attitude of compassion and empathy. You might be thinking – But that isn’t the way everyone acts.

I’ve never been one to follow what everyone else says I should do. We cannot own our future if we do not believe in our dreams. To be that person you have to believe in yourself and that’s a commitment.

If you believe in who God called you to be – the salt and the light to those around you – will you acknowledge that through Christ who strengthens you anything is possible?

Having faith means your hope and anticipation is in Christ. As I reflected on the Beatitudes, I was reminded of the way we should live our lives and the blessings that will follow.

In this famous sermon on the mount, I believe Jesus Christ was talking about showing compassion and empathy to others and being committed to having concern for others but taking it a step further to help, offer support, and care in practical ways.

In our modern world, we have become immune to compassion and empathy. We see the news, and hear tragic stories, but it may leave us unmoved. God calls us to be sad for those who are suffering and reach out with hope. Is this commitment too big to make?

Think about these words that Jesus spoke in the Sermon on the Mount ‘Blessed are the merciful for they will be shown mercy.’ (Matthew 5:7)


Father, help us to mourn for the suffering we see in the world and in our neighbourhoods and be passionate about justice. Help us become wise to stand up for the truth in a strategic way, not to assert ourselves but because we care about those who may not be able to stand up or have the right to do so.


Being committed might be a choice, but prayer is what gels it together, so we stick with our word and weather the challenges or when we don’t feel motivated to. Will you pray for God to help you become more committed with the small choices and the big decisions? I’d love to hear your thoughts too.

10 Other Prayers for Commitment

Dear Lord, In any prayer of commitment I want to pray, I want to make sure that I am seeking You first and all your righteousness (Matthew 6:33). I know that good things come from you (James 1:17) and that no matter what happens in this world I am promised eternal life for saying yes to You. Help me not only say yes to salvation but be committed in everything I do to further advance the kingdom of God. In the name of Christ Jesus, Amen. 

Dear Father God, Lord Jesus Christ, and Holy Spirit, I pray to three-in-one today asking for the word of God to overwhelm me with a commitment to serving You. As I am ever-growing in a personal relationship with You for the rest of my life, I ask that Your light shines through me as brightly as it did the first time I said yes to you. Amen. 

O God, I received new life the day I became committed to You. Help me reflect your love in the local church as well as anyone I meet in the body of Christ. In Jesus name, Amen. 

Dear Lord, Help me to live a life in full commitment to You, that I never forget Your powerful words in the Lord’s Prayer as well as any other prayer that Jesus prayed. Teach me to pray more like Jesus daily, Amen. 

​O Lord God, You are the good shepherd. I trust myself in the whole of Your care, that this present world does not provide anything. Help me to follow the path of righteousness every single day, that anything in my current situation is used to glorify You. 

Dear Heavenly Father, You are a personal Lord as well as an almighty God. You hear every prayer request but You make sure that Your perfect will shines from the heavenly places down here to earth. I know I have free will, but help me grow in a deeper life of prayer so I can stay committed to Your will and Your ways. Amen. 

Dear Lord, You are a faithful God whom I can never thank enough for giving the living sacrifice of Your son. Remind me of this loving sacrifice every day. Help me take the love of Christ and fight the good fight of sharing Your Word with everyone. Amen. 

Dear God, Thank you for the gift of your spirit. Help me grow with a servant prayer life as a new creation of Yours. Help me on the walk of spiritual growth. In your holy name, Amen.

Almighty God, Creator of the Universe, I know nothing compared to You. Guide me in the right steps as I commit to sharing Your glory. Amen.

Merciful God, Thank You for Your loving-kindness. May I always do my best to do right by it. Amen.



  • Ava James

    Ava N. James is a non-fiction author, performance coach, and motivational speaker living in the UK. She has many passions, but worship, poetry and meeting new people are her top favourites. Her best-selling prayer book ‘Prayers for My Future Husband’ is one of several publications. She trusted God with her backstory, from ashes to beauty and is now happily married. For more information about her writing and work or to connect for a chat - visit https://bit.ly/AvaNJames

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