We can all use a few Good Friday Prayers! (Sample prayers at the end of this article). As we come nearer to Easter this week, many people may be thinking about the long weekend because they have Good Friday off from work. But Good Friday is much more than an extra day off work. And …
If you’re tossing and turning and looking for a prayer for sleep…you have come to the right place. Have you ever wondered “Can I ask God to help me sleep?”. I’m here to tell you the answer is a resounding “YES”! As a child of God, you can come before your Father with any request, …
Forgiveness looks different to all of us when approached from a human perspective. Yet, what does forgiveness look like Biblically? How does Jesus say we ought to practice forgiveness? Because it is a practice, a journey if you will that does not always have a full cycle of reconciliation on both sides. Forgiveness can look …
What does that phrase “the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak” mean? How do you walk in something you cannot physically see? Why, if I have given my life to the Lord, is my flesh still weak? Picture it. Two toddlers playing in a toy kitchen. One reaches for a pot and …
It’s Advent season! Many are getting ready to celebrate Advent in order to embrace the real meaning of this season. While there are many books and websites on advent, there isn’t much to be found on simple Advent prayers. Many beautiful prayers and liturgies can be located in books and articles on this revered ritual. …
Amid trials, we need effective spiritual battle prayers to overcome the enemy. However, in order to be ready, we need to have a plan for those spiritual battle prayers before the time to engage is on our doorstep. We need to be proactive because the time will come. And to be caught unprepared is to …
Are you looking for tips on praying under spiritual attack? You may have heard it said that if you are walking the Christian walk, you should expect to be under spiritual attack. Jesus told us we would be persecuted for his namesake. We are fighting the “powers of darkness”. This is spiritual warfare we are …
Anyone who has read even small portions of the Bible knows that there are many symbolic items or places mentioned throughout. For instance, the spiritual meaning of stone, or various passages of scripture mention “twelve stones”. The twelve stones is mentioned both in the Old Testament and New Testament, though more in the Old. This …
I think we can all agree prayer is key in the Christian walk, however, can we also all agree it’s hard? Although it may not be intuitive for you, there are many creative ways to pray– and you can start today! Prayer is a critically important part of our relationship with Jesus. And we often …
Who God Says You Are: You May Be Surprised! There has been a lot of talk in media, articles and books about self-love and self-worth over the last few years. As part of popular culture self-anything has been a “thing” for decades. Many people struggle with these concepts. I think, especially us ladies struggle with …