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I think we can all agree prayer is key in the Christian walk, however, can we also all agree it’s hard? Although it may not be intuitive for you, there are many creative ways to pray– and you can start today!
Prayer is a critically important part of our relationship with Jesus. And we often are not doing it enough.
Improving Prayer Life
You want to improve your prayer life, but maybe you feel you don’t know how to pray. Perhaps you think your prayers are unimportant or you lack focus when you try to pray.
Perhaps you simply feel uninspired to pray. It feels more like a chore to you rather than a privilege.
You’ll find no judgment here whatever the case. I have felt many of these things myself.
And guess what? God knows and He is not expecting perfection in this area from us, no more than He expects perfection in any other area. Romans 8:1 tells us that there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ. His sacrifice makes us free from all of that.
Communicating with God
Prayer is simply communicating with God. It is conversation with your Heavenly Father. All prayer is received with joy by our Father. We are His children. He wants us to talk to Him.
It need not be complicated and it can be creative and fun!
Just like conversation time with friends sometimes needs a jump start, so does prayer. So what can you do? What does creative prayer look like?
Interjecting new life into your prayer time can take many forms. I’ve compiled 5 ways here to give you a head start.
5 Creative Ways to Pray
Pray backwards
Where can you see God’s hand in past events in your life? Journey through those times God showed up and showed out and thank Him for those blessings. Especially in current times of trouble it is good to remember God’s faithfulness.
Pray for a word, a healing or a provision in your current situation based on what you have known God to provide before.
Change your prayer space
Take time to create a special spot in your home that invites prayer. Set up a special chair or desk space.
Create calm for yourself by using candles or essential oils if you like. Play music if that sets the right mood for you.
The idea is changing the area you pray in to be more conducive and inviting to you so that you want to spend time there.
Get out in nature
Take your prayer outside by going on a prayer walk. This could be at a park, nearby woods, the beach, a lake or just around your own backyard!
Look at all of His creation and let the thankfulness and awe that washes over you set your mind to pray and praise Him.
Draw, doodle, scribble and color
You might be thinking “I can’t even draw a stick figure!” That is okay, we are not trying to be Picasso here. It is just another way of setting your mind on God by drawing what you feel.
Invite God in by focusing on one of His character traits or a particular Bible story and what it means to you. This could be writing out words in calligraphy or even bubble letters. Draw simple hearts, crosses, flowers. Or you could use an adult coloring book. (Here is a FREE mini Easter color book I created!)
Sing the old hymns
Many old hymns contain or were inspired by scripture. Singing them is a form of both praise and prayer to the Lord. Some examples include Amazing Grace which references John 9:25, and Great is Thy Faithfulness which references both Genesis 8:22 and Lamentations 3:22-23.
A simple Google search of hymns inspired by scripture yields pages of songs and scripture references, so your choices are endless!
What are some creative ways you pray?
I hope these creative ways to pray bless you. That they will encourage you to try something new in your spiritual growth journey. Perhaps they will inspire you to think of your own ways to pray creatively.
Leanna Hollis
Tuesday 23rd of June 2020
Such good tips! Thanks for sharing.
Tuesday 17th of March 2020
I love these creative tips! Worth giving a try 😊. Thanks for sharing.
Tuesday 17th of March 2020
Hi Hannah, thanks for the feedback! I hope they help you!!