Scroll down to find a July 14 Prayer based on John 4:10! Happy July! Are you looking for a July 14 prayer to read and reflect on? We provide a guiding Bible verse, prayer questions, and example prayer for the day below. These all come from our July Bible Reading Plan about Living Waters, so …
Who was King Jehoshaphat in the Bible? What did he do? What’s his story? Jehoshaphat is one of the famous God-fearing kings of Judah. When Jehoshaphat was king Israel was divided into two different kingdoms; the kingdom of Judah and the kingdom of Israel. Jehoshaphat ruled over Judah while King Ahab (husband to …
Happy first day of March! Are you looking for a March 1 prayer to read and reflect on? We provide a guiding Bible verse, prayer questions, and example prayer for the day below. Please sign up here if you’d like to receive these prayers daily in your email. Find the Prayers for March and Bible …
Do you need a prayer for anxiety? Maybe you’re here wondering: how do I give my anxiety to God? I remember asking that question often. Never out loud, but the question swirled around in my head for days, weeks, and months on end. If you’ve ever dealt with anxiety, you can probably relate. You want …
Grace is one of those topics that can get complicated really fast. I find when conversations about God and grace start to get complicated, it’s best to revisit the basics. What is the spiritual meaning of grace? Simply put, grace is when God (or anyone really) gives us goodness that we don’t deserve.
Do you ever pray an opening prayer for Bible study? Usually, when we talk about Bible study we jump straight into tips and tricks for reading and understanding Scripture. I could talk about Bible study methods all day, but do you want to know a secret? The thing that impacts my Bible study most is …
Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be known by God? Inside and out? Is it even possible that God knows the heart of people? This is one of those things that can be really hard to wrap our minds around. When we actually do wrap our minds about it, it seems a little …
A Fail-Proof Bible Highlighting Color System If you’re reading this post, I can only assume you’re wondering, how do I learn to highlight the Bible? Friend, you’re in good company. Today I’m sharing the Bible Highlighting guide we’ve been using to help over four thousand women in our community study the Bible effectively. It’s the …
Are You a Lukewarm Christian? Here’s How You Can Know. What does it mean to be a lukewarm Christian? As we dive into this question I want you to know, I have nothing but love for those of you reading this. The topic of being a lukewarm Christian can be a hard one to work …
Do All Christians Have the Characteristics of A Prayer Warrior? Confession: I have always envied women with powerful prayer lives. As important as I know prayer is in our relationship with God, it’s also a discipline I really struggled to actually off the ground. I’d hear teachings about what it takes to be a prayer …