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July 14 Prayer (John 4:10 Devotional)

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Scroll down to find a July 14 Prayer based on John 4:10!

Happy July!  Are you looking for a July 14 prayer to read and reflect on? We provide a guiding Bible verse, prayer questions, and example prayer for the day below.

These all come from our July Bible Reading Plan about Living Waters, so click here for the printout so you can follow along with us!

Once you’ve received your printout, Please sign up here if you’d like to receive the prayer devotionals daily in your inbox. Each month we will provide a theme for the month, a reading plan, and then daily devotionals sent to you based on that reading plan. Here is July’s!


Bible verse for July 14

Jesus answered and said to her, “If you knew the gift of God, and who it is who says to you, ‘Give Me a drink,’ you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water.” (John 4:10 NKJV)


Grab the July Bible Reading Plan below!

Prayer Reflections for July 14

One of my all-time favorite Bible stories is the telling of the Samaritan woman at the well. I could spend hours talking about her story and the history that goes with it, but when it all comes down to it – I love this story because it feels a lot like mine. 


This is the story of a woman with a past; a woman who tried to find comfort in all the wrong places. A woman craving something bigger than any material thing could provide. 






I can relate. Something tells me, you probably can too. 


Growing up I heard the story of the woman at the well often. We’d talk about Jesus and the gift of life He came to give. We’d talk about the living water that He promised would spring up within us as if from a fountain (John 4:13-14).


It wasn’t until I was an adult that I realized that Holy Spirit in the Bible is often described as living water and that Jesus was likely talking about the gift of His Spirit in us (see John 14). With His Spirit in us, we would never thirst again. 


That line of thought created a line of questions. What was it that the woman at the well was really lacking? What void in her life needed to be filled and how did Jesus being the Son of God and promising living water (Holy Spirit) meet that need? And then it hit me. With Jesus, this woman was truly known. 


While others knew her for her seemingly poor character and assumed promiscuity – Jesus saw her for who she was. Bigger than that – Jesus reached out to her as she was. Greater than that, Jesus was willing to yoke Himself to her even as she was. 


He saw her, knew her, accepted her, and by giving the gift of His Spirit; He quenched her thirst. 


Not only did the woman gain eternal life; she gained a Companion to walk with her through the highs and lows of this life. 


He would mend her brokenness and heal her wounds. 

He would hear her strengthen her and guide her. 

He would see her and cherish her even with her faults. 

But He would also love her enough to show her the good and perfect way. 


He would bring love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (the fruits of His Spirit) into her life and fill her to the brim and overflowing. 


And the good news is, this promise and invitation wasn’t exclusive to the woman at the well. It’s good for you and me too; regardless of our pasts, our skeletons, or anything else we may struggle with in this life. 


Jesus can quench our thirst. He is the living water; He seeps into every crevice and fills every void. If we would only trust and ask. 


Jesus answered and said to her, “If you knew the gift of God, and who it is who says to you, ‘Give me a drink,’ you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water.” John 4:10 NKJV

July 14 Prayer 

Dear God, When you spoke to the women at the well, you also knew it would be recorded and one day Holy Spirit would be speaking it to me. Fill me with the living water that you provide, because you are the only thing that can quench what life cannot offer. Amen.

July 14 Resource of the Day

A Rahab Bible Study Scripture-based, contextually examined, no-fluff commentary of the Rahab Bible story and its connection to the love of God and hope of the gospel. Chances are, you’ve heard the story of Rahab before. Maybe in a 30-minute sermon women of the Bible character study. Maybe you’ve read one of the popular Rahab biblical fiction books (don’t worry, I have too). In most cases, the story of Rahab is always told the same. It goes something like this, “Rahab was a promiscuous woman who helped the Israelite spies safely escape Jericho. In exchange, the Israelites agreed not to kill her and her family.” Short and sweet, right? Imagine my surprise when years later I was reading the Rahab Bible story for myself and realized, there is so much MORE to this story than we heard about in church.

I wrote A Rahab Bible Study: Exploring Again the Life and Story of Rahab to help everyday women (like myself) connect the dots and understand what is really happening to Rahab in Joshua 2-6..

Through A Rahab Bible Study You’ll Get:

  • 6 days of exploration through Rahab’s story.
  • Explore Rahab Bible verses in context without the fluff.
  • Thoughtful commentary.
  • Historical facts and trivia
  • A solid Scripture trail.
  • Daily Study questions.
  • Daily note-taking pages and space in the columns of the study

Click the image below to grab the Rahab Bible Study!


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  • Alonda Tanner

    Hi friends! I’m Alonda Tanner; an Alaska Grown author and educator, with an ever-growing love for Jesus, books, and sparkling cider. In addition, I love serving the world by creating free education and resources that inspire women to embrace their God-given identity and live purpose-driven, faith-filled lives.   I’m a firm believer that it all starts with digging into the Word. Ready to venture into a richness of the Bible? Join our Bible Study community and I’ll send you our most well-loved resources – our Bible study Highlighting Key – for free!

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