We are currently building this prayer resource library for anyone that wants to know how to pray, no matter where they are on their prayer journey.
Thank you for your patience as we work on updating it! Every time we update it, we will update our email subscribers, so make sure you’re on our email list below!
If you’d like to find the best prayer resource for your current walk in faith, use the Table of Contents below!
How to Pray Away Negativity
If you want to know how to pray away negativity, this ebook is an excellent option! Free with signup.
How to Focus When Praying
The reason that Pray With Confidence was started was because I am a scatterbrained soul that loves Jesus. I heard how people would pray out loud at church, and never knew how to pray like them.
When I tried to learn how to pray, I would fall asleep praying, or get distracted every time I tried to pray. God was patient with me, and helped me to use these 5 ways to focus while praying.
I compiled them into a simple ebook, with checklist, a coloring sheet, and more! Find the top 5 ways to focus while praying here! (Or by clicking the image below).