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May 19 Prayer (A Micah 6:8 prayer)

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Are you looking for a May 19 prayer to read and reflect on? We provide a guiding Bible verse, prayer questions, and example prayer for the day below.

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Bible verse for May 19

He has shown you, O man, what is good;
And what does the Lord require of you
But to do justly,
To love mercy,
And to walk humbly with your God?

Micah 6:8 NKJV


Prayer Reflections for May 19

Sometimes I forget that God is good.

I mean, I know that He is good, that He’s always been good, and that He’ll always be good. I even know that He is good to me. It’s just that sometimes, I forget to remember that He is good.

I get myself so wrapped up trying to figure out what His plans and purposes are for me so that I might live a life that is holy and acceptable to Him, that I forget about anything else; even that He is good to me.

I want to live my life in such a way that is pleasing to Him. I want to bring honour and glory to His name. I want to stand before Him on the day He calls me home and hear Him say to me, “Well done, my good and faithful daughter!”

This desire to be pleasing to Him has thrust me headlong into doing and going; to looking and searching for some kind of specific and individual plan that I’m supposed to follow, and I have to tell you, it is exhausting.

But here’s the thing. This searching I’m doing is in some ways, counterproductive. It saps me of energy and fills me with anxiety. And the truth is, the Bible has already pointed me to what God’s plans and purposes are for me.

He has shown you, O man, what is good;
And what does the Lord require of you
But to do justly,
To love mercy,
And to walk humbly with your God?

Micah 6:8

Just as God has a plan and a purpose for me, He has one for you as well.

It is unique and tailored to your individual personality and circumstance. But your individual plan and purpose, just as mine does, begins here in Micah 6:8.

He would never call you to something and not give you instructions on how to carry that out. 

God calls both you and me, to pursue justice. He calls us to extend mercy to the people around us, and He asks us to walk in humility. As we strive to put into practice what He has already shown us in His Word, He will guide and direct us in the specifics of our individual callings. 

God is good. And you can trust in His goodness for you and for the purpose to which He has called you.


May 19 Prayer 

Dear God, Help me to do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with you. Amen.

Resource of the Day

For a little more encouragement on God’s goodness and how He sees you, you can read this post.












  • Melinda Tarcon

    Hi! My name is Melinda Tarcon. My greatest desire in life is to be holy and acceptable to my Savior. I believe that holiness should be evident, not just in my heart, but in my home, as well. My blog, Holiness & Hygge is designed to encourage and equip women in their desire to take up their cross to follow whole-heartedly after Christ, whilst striving to cultivate a home that nurtures and celebrates family.

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