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15 Powerful Night Prayers For Family Peace and Protection

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I think we all can agree that it is important to pray for your family. But if you are unsure about how to do that, or just need some guidance to get started, we are here to help you learn how to pray for family members in a simple and powerful way.

Prayer can often be the best way to connect with God. But it can also bring your family closer and fortify the bond you have together. 

​When Should We Pray?

You may already have a prayer routine. Maybe you start your days with morning prayer to ensure you seek God first, or you might end your day with an evening prayer to thank God for the experience and blessings of the day. Whether you pray every morning, at the end of each day, or any time throughout the day, God is listening. The Psalmist assures us that God hears us in all of our prayers: “Morning, noon, and night I cry out in my distress, and the LORD hears my voice.” (Psalm 55:17)

Jesus prayed early in the morning (Mark 1:35) and late in the evening (Luke 6:12). Of course, He prayed during the day as well and “would often slip away to the wilderness and pray.” (Luke 5:16)

If Jesus prayed all the time, we should as well. In fact, the Bible tells us: 

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)

We should pray always, but there is something special about a nighttime prayer, especially when our family is on our hearts. In the evening, the distractions of the day are lessened and we are often in a place where we can quiet our minds, reflect on our lives, and set our hearts fully on God who loves us and always hears us.


With a heartfelt night prayer for family, God will listen and give our family guidance, protection, and blessings according to His will.

Let’s dive into the essence of powerful nighttime prayers for your family, and then find 15 pre-written prayers to kick-start your nightly prayer journey.

Powerful Prayer in the Night

Night prayers aren’t necessarily more powerful than other prayers. However, the silence of the night is a perfect time to set apart for some intimate fellowship with God. The power in prayer is not tied to us, but to God Himself. When we connect deeply with Him, in faith, we will pray more effectively according to His will. 

Night prayer can be an important part of our Christian life. The Bible has several examples of wonderful verses that encourage nightly prayers:

“Arise, cry out in the night, at the beginning of the night watches! Pour out your heart like water before the presence of the Lord! Lift your hands to him for the lives of your children, who faint for hunger at the head of every street.” (Lamentations 2:19)


“My soul will be satisfied as with fat and rich food, and my mouth will praise you with joyful lips, when I remember you upon my bed, and meditate on you in the watches of the night; for you have been my help, and in the shadow of your wings I will sing for joy. My soul clings to you; your right hand upholds me.” (Psalm 63:5-8)

A powerful example of a nighttime prayer for family is King David who prayed throughout the night for his son: “David pleaded with God for the child. He fasted and spent the nights lying in sackcloth on the ground.” 2 Samuel 12:16 (NIV)

When and Where to Pray Evening Prayers

So, when should we pray at night? The time doesn’t really matter—as God has not made one time more significant than another. Again, He hears us regardless of the time of the day. That said, you have several options when it comes to praying in the evening. Choose what works best for you or try all options and then select the one you prefer. Here are some simple suggestions:

  • Pray after dinner (or dessert). 
  • Parents can pray bedtime prayers with their children.
  • Husbands and wives can pray together after the kids go to sleep.
  • You can pray alone right before falling asleep.
  • Set an alarm to wake you up at a certain time of the night to pray (just be mindful of others).
  • Ask the Holy Spirit to wake you up to pray.
  • Pray whenever you wake up during the night.
  • Pray during sleepless nights.
  • Rise before dawn to pray.

Whenever you pray for your family at night, remember to leave your prayer requests in God’s hands. Cast your cares and concerns for your family on Him. Do not continue to worry, but trust God. He is able to do exceedingly abundantly above what you ask or think (or pray).

And where is the best place to pray? Well, that is ultimately up to you. Christianity isn’t a religious following of rules—you can pray beside your bed, while lying on your bed, in a closet, in the kitchen or living room, or even in the bathroom or attic.

There isn’t a set place you must pray, but if you take time to plan out where you will go to pray, your time with God will be more intentional and valuable to you. Some people like to create a space that is specifically for prayer. Choose a quiet place where you feel comfortable and won’t get distracted, and create a space that invites you to pray regularly.

Powerful Night Prayer for Family Members

A powerful night prayer for family is a prayer that seeks God’s protection, guidance, and blessings for each member of the family. It is a prayer that brings the family together, strengthens their bond, and invites God’s presence into their lives.

This prayer acknowledges God as the ultimate source of strength and asks Him to watch over the family as they rest and sleep. It covers various aspects of family life, such as health, relationships, and spiritual growth.

A powerful night prayer for family is sincere and filled with faith and trust in God’s love and care. It is a special way for the family to surrender their worries, fears, and burdens to God and to seek His peace and blessings for the night ahead. It is an opportunity to express gratitude for all He has done for your family. To thank Him for the good times as well as for the difficult times that strengthened your faith.

Praying isn’t just about asking God for material things or help. Truly powerful prayer is a mutual conversation with God and deep fellowship with your dear Father in Heaven. It is a participation in spiritual battle on behalf of yourself and others. One way to do that is with spiritual warfare prayers. And don’t think you aren’t able to pray like that… you are a prayer warrior too! Why? Because you seek God in prayer.

This being said, a strong prayer for your family members comes from your heart. God isn’t interested in lofty words, nor does the power of prayer lie in its length. God sees your heart. He is your Father—He cares for you and your family.

Ask God to guide you into the prayer He wants you to pray for your family. That is a wonderful way to pray—guided by the Holy Spirit.

If you are looking for inspiration to pray for family during quiet times at night, here are a few subjects and sample night time prayers for family.

Powerful Night Prayer for Healing in the Family

The Lord wants us to entrust our whole selves to Him, body, soul, and spirit, so we can pray for healing. Evening time can be perfect for a powerful night prayer for family healing, both physical and spiritual. The Lord is the Great Physician and can bring all types of healing for your family. He gives new hearts and brings physical health to the sick.

PrayerFather God, You are our healer. Your Word says that You are the One “who forgives all your iniquity, who heals all your diseases.” (Psalm 103:3) Father, we need healing in our family. Physical healing as well as emotional healing. We stand on Your promise of healing and expect to see a positive change in our bodies. I know You hear me and I know You can do it. We need help today. Please stretch out Your healing hand and touch my family. I love them so much. Please bless them. Don’t let these sicknesses and disabilities afflict us any longer. It causes so much sadness in our family. Lord, I look forward to seeing Your interventions. In Jesus’ Name. Thank You. Amen. 

Prayer: Lord Jesus, You died for our transgressions. But You also took our sicknesses. Because of Your stripes, we are healed. I ask for healing over my family and that Your Word will be manifested in my family. I know I can trust You for deliverance. You healed scores of people when You were on Earth. And I know You haven’t finished Your ministry yet. I am eagerly looking forward to see Your promise of healing manifested in my family. In the Name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.  

Prayer: Lord, You are our tender Shepherd. As a good shepherd cares for his sheep, so You care for us. A shepherd knows when even one of his little sheep gets ill.  You know the situation in my family and I know You care even more than I do. Stretch out Your healing hands and restore my family. We need Your touch. As the lady with the issue of blood, so do I stretch myself out spiritually to touch just a piece of Your garment, because I know provision for healing will go out of You. Touch my family as they sleep. Let them wake up tomorrow morning in a pleasant morning light, seeing that they are healed. I thank You for a miracle. Amen.

Night Prayer for Family and Friends

Many people have close friends that feel more like family. When praying a powerful night prayer for family, you can include those good friends.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I come to You at this night hour to intercede for my family and friends. You know them better than I do—you know their struggles and their victories. Let Your Holy Spirit guide them in everything they do. Let them know You. I pray for heaven-sent angels to protect them. Be a hedge of protection and provision around them, and let Your glory be in their midst. In Jesus’s name. Amen.

Prayer: Dear Lord, I commit my family and friends into Your strong hands. Guide them with Your mighty right hand. Don’t let them stumble. Remove obstacles from their way. And if they have to go through them, then please give them the strength and courage to do so. Let them know You are with them. I bless them in Jesus’ mighty Name. Amen.

Prayer: Gracious Father, I come to You on behalf of my family and friends. So many of them are going through tough times. Please give them wisdom on what to do and guide their steps. I also want to pray for their spiritual life. Please revive them. They know You, but they seem to have gone astray. Let them know they can always come back to You. Because of the empty cross, their sins have been forgiven. Draw them closer, o Lord, and reveal Your glorious truths to them. Bring them back on the right path. In Jesus’ Name. Thank You. Amen.  

Goodnight Prayers for Family

Good night prayers for family don’t have to be difficult, or long. A simple prayer will do. God’s presence doesn’t depend on our prayers, but on His infinite great love. A common good night prayer for family is a prayer that asks for divine protection.

Here are 3 short goodnight prayers for family:

Prayer: Dear Lord, thank You for today. It was an enjoyable time with my family. I pray for a good night’s sleep tonight for each of us. I know You will watch over us. And Lord, we are going through some turbulent times as a family. Can you please hold us together and give us more days like today? Help us pass through this as a family and come out stronger than before. I thank You that You hear us when we pray. Thank You also for being the center of this family. Please give each of us a peaceful sleep, today and every day. In Jesus name. Amen.

Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, I pray for a restful sleep for my family. Let us dream pleasant dreams, full of joy and hope. You are the refuge of this family—we rely on You. I also pray for my extended family, Stretch out Your mighty hand Father, and bless them. Let them have peaceful dreams. Thank You. Good night, Lord. Amen.

Prayer: Dear God, I love You. I pray for a good night’s of rest for me and my family. Please watch over us while we sleep. I know You care. Wash all exhaustion from our bodies and mind. Give us a sweet rest tonight and let us be refreshed tomorrow morning so we can face the new day. Thank You, Lord, for the miracle of sleep. You heal us while we sleep. We give You all the glory. Thank You. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.  

Powerful Nightly Prayers for Unity in the Family

God made the family the cornerstone of society. It’s no wonder Satan always tries to attack families. One of his key strategies is to sow discord in families. As believers, we need to remain vigilant and pray. God hears our prayers. He will answer.

Prayer: Father, I need a miracle in my family. So much has happened. I feel like our family is falling apart. Please, Lord, bring us back together. Reunite our family. Let forgiveness reign in our house. Let the past be the past and help us look forward to a glorious future, with You on our side. Help us become one again. Please, Lord. Thank You for hearing my prayer and comforting me. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.  

Prayer: Dear Father God, protect this family—the whole family. Bring unity and peace among us. Let us remember the fun times together and know that it can be like that again. Let the peace of God reign in our midst. If You are with us, I know we can make it. Let Your Holy Spirit guide us and speak to our hearts. Let unforgiveness vanish. Let stubborn heads be broken. Heal the broken hearts of my family. Wash us clean, Lord, as only You can do. Then establish Your righteousness in peace in our midst. In know with that, unity will prevail. Thank You. Amen.

Prayer: Dear God, at this nighttime hour, I pray for my family and all families in the country. You made family the cornerstone. You know the value of family. There is an ongoing attack on the institute of family, breaking havoc in the nation. Bring unity in families, nationwide. I pray. Let Christian families stand up and show Your glory through their bond of unity. Restore unity in families. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Powerful Night Protection Prayer For Family

God is our provider, healer, and protector. Evening and night are the perfect time to pray for protection over our families. A night prayer for protection for family is a great way to tap into God’s provision of protection and safety.

If you are wondering what is the powerful night prayer for protection, remember that it isn’t a specific prayer that is powerful. It’s about our heart. Even a simple prayer can be a powerful prayer for family. At night, we can lay down the whole burden of our inner life in a daily prayer. Powerful prayers expect God’s help and express full dependence on Him.

Trust God. He will hear you. Just start praying at night or bedtime. God will guide you through. You start with commitment—He will take over.

You can create your own powerful night prayer for protection or make use of these pre-written powerful night prayers for family protection.

Prayer: Dearest Lord, I come to You on behalf of my family. Please protect us. Not just tonight, but every day. We need You, Lord, more than ever before. Shield us—You are the refuge of this family. I know You are an ever-present help in trouble. Well, Lord, we are in trouble! Stretch out Your mighty saving hands and guide us through. Defend us, Lord. In Jesus’s precious Name, I pray. Thank You. Amen.  

Prayer: Almighty God, You are all-powerful. Nothing is too difficult for You. Protect my family. We need You—You are the One we rely on. Don’t leave us here. Protect us in our going out and our coming in. Protect us in our houses and when on the road. Let Your canopy of protection be a shelter above us. Guide our feet not to stumble. Protect also our finances, Lord. It seems the devourer is eating up all our financial resources. Protect the work of our hands and give us our daily bread, Lord. Protect us in every area of my life. You are our strong tower—we come to You for refuge. Thank You for shielding my family. Amen.

Prayer: Father God, safeguard our family. Do new things in our lives and keep us safe. We need you every day. But the coming day is an important day for my family. I pray for your divine protection throughout the day. Send Your angels to protect us wherever we go—holding you up with their hands so we won’t even hurt our foot on a stone. I am grateful, Lord. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Final Thoughts on Night Prayers for Family

Ultimately, the most important aspect of prayer is the sincerity of your heart and your connection with God. It is not about following specific rules or praying at a specific time or in a specific location. As a child of God, you have the freedom to choose where and how you pray your powerful night prayer for family.

A night prayer for family is one that is heartfelt and filled with faith and trust in God’s unfailing love and care. 

Remember to express gratitude for all that God has done for your family. Thank Him for the good things and the hard things. And most importantly, allow the Holy Spirit to guide you in your prayer for your family at the end of the day.

May God bless you and your family as you faithfully come to Him in prayer!


  • Christel Owoo

    Christel Owoo is a Confidence Coach, Mentor, Women’s Ministry Leader, Author, Wife, and Mom. She writes about Bible Study, Christian Living, and Personal Growth on her website, through guest blogs, devotionals, books, and in Christian magazines. Her ministry is to help Christian women live confidently and victoriously in Christ, to the fullest of their God-given potential. Christel’s books speak of life-changing encounters and second chances when you follow, obey, and apply the Word of God.  To connect with Christel visit: www.christelowoo.com, on Facebook, FB-group-Becoming a Confident Woman in Christ, Twitter, and Instagram.

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