I think we all can agree that it is important to pray for your family. But if you are unsure about how to do that, or just need some guidance to get started, we are here to help you learn how to pray for family members in a simple and powerful way. Prayer can often …
God gave each of us life. But true life is given to those who believe in Jesus. Everyone is born once, but those who trust in Christ are given new life when they are born-again. God gave us life for a reason: to glorify Him and fulfill His purpose here on earth. He doesn’t want …
It is easy to walk joyfully with God when everything in our lives runs smoothly. The sun is shining, friends and family are around us, we are in perfect health, we have a great job, etc. This is when our lives satisfy us. But God doesn’t promise us a life without heartbreak, and He doesn’t …
To whom much is given much is required is an often quoted truth from the Bible. The biblical truth of Luke 12:48 serves as a guiding principle in a world full of opportunities and blessings: “To whom much is given, much is required.” It is an often quoted phrase—by Christians and non-Christians alike. This simple …
We know God is great, but is God greater than our highs and lows? Does anything we go through, good or bad, affect Him? Or is it merely us that go through the rollercoaster of life and let it swing our emotions… True, when life is tough and we are going through difficult times, …
Discouragement is a human feeling that even we, as Christians, can go through. Even though we know God’s promises, our situation can appear so overwhelming to us that we forget God’s faithful character. We are not alone—there are many examples of discouragement in the Bible. Even though the feeling of discouragement is powerful, God’s Word …
Being a Christian comes down to our faith and having hope. This distinguishes us from the world. However, whether or not we like to admit it, we rarely have the faith or the hope Jesus wants us to have. And that is where our prayers for faith and hope come in. Jesus spoke often about …
What is the first thing that comes to your head when you hear the phrase “obedience is better than sacrifice”? We often think we should do all kinds of things to be accepted by God. The truth is, we cannot do anything to be accepted by God. Jesus already gave the ultimate sacrifice: Himself. God …