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April 1 Prayer

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Are you looking for a April 1 prayer to read and reflect on? We provide a guiding Bible verse, prayer questions, and example prayer for the day below.

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Bible verse for April 1

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. (Proverbs 3:5-6)

Prayer Reflections for April 1

If you ever went to Sunday school as a child and were made to memorize bible verses, this is potentially one that you learned.
Although rattling it off doesn’t take much effort, living it out can be a totally different story.
In the past, I have struggled to trust the Lord and submit to His ways, especially with the more complex and stressful circumstances of life.
Faced with the lack and impossibilities, I questioned how God could turn things around. Submitting these areas of my life to Him was something I knew I should do, but there was resistance involved.
I know many of you may have similar feelings when it comes to trust and submitting. You may feel you just need to be a better Christian, to try harder, and just choose to trust more. This is what I thought until the Holy Spirit prompted me to study the word submit and I discovered the Hebrew word ‘yāda’.
It takes so many English words to fully represent this Hebrew word. It means to submit, acknowledge, seek his will, be mindful of, think about him, recognize him, let him lead you but simply put, yādaʿ means ‘to know God and be known by Him’.
I believe this concept of ‘knowing and being known’ is the most powerful and critical key when it comes to trust. It is to become familiar with His character, His faithfulness, His voice and His presence—to make space for Him to express His heart to us.
Likewise, we can let ourselves be known to him through prayer, sharing our own thoughts, concerns, fears, desires, and dreams.
It’s not that He doesn’t know them already, but that’s the essence of relationship—sharing ourselves with another. It is in this place that He can speak back; he can identify the lies we are believing, remind us of the truth, speak into our identity, encourage us, share His love for us, and comfort us through His words and presence.
We’re instructed to trust with all our hearts and not our minds. It’s more than an intellectual or conceptual knowledge of Him, but rather a heart connection and relationship. What a gift and so reassuring when the God of the universe speaks into your situation. It makes the process of trust so much easier!
Next time you are struggling to trust the Lord, rather than trying harder, take the time to ‘yada’– to know Him and be known by Him.

Prayer for April 1

Dear Lord, help us to seek You with everything we have. Fill every fiber of our beings with your truth and your love. Amen!

Resource of the Day

I am releasing a book on April 10th

‘Unlimited Joy: accessing all that is promised’

It will be up on Amazon shortly.

The first chapter can be downloaded when you sign up for my newsletter on my website www.kylliemartin.com




  • Jessie Synan

    Jessie Synan is a dedicated Christian social media strategist, helping over 30 ministries quadruple+ their size and reach in the digital world. When she's not crafting online strategies, she serves as a part-time children's coordinator at her local church. She has her MA in Theological Studies.

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