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February 1 Prayer (All Who Are Weary)

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Looking for a February 1 prayer to read and reflect on? We provide a guiding Bible verse, prayer questions, and example prayer for the day below.

If you’d like to receive these prayers daily, with a worksheet, please sign up here.

Find the February blessings and Bible reading plan for February here.

Bible verse for February 1

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28)

Prayer Reflection & Questions for February 1

So many times when we are tired and worn out our first reaction is to try to fix things by our own power. God simply wants us to come and worship Him. To spend time seeking his face. Worship and prayer are the weapons He gave us to change our circumstances. So the next time you are stressed out or weary, put on your favorite worship song, close your eyes, and simply worship. His rest will soon follow.

  1. What are you currently worried about? Have you released it to God today?
  2. Do you see a generational pattern of worry or fear? What scripture or worship song helps when that comes up?

February 1 Prayer

Jesus, I open my hands and release my stress and weariness. I choose to praise you and believe that you will bring rest to my weary soul today. AMEN.

February 1 prayer

Grab your February blessings reading plan!

Click on the image below to get to the free printable.

Resource of the Day

A study journal all about rest. 

Breathe is a study-prayer journal that is intentional about making room for the Sabbath, by Priscilla Shirer. Find it here.




  • Connie Terry

    Connie Terry has a heart to see women set free from the lies of the enemy. Trained in inner healing, she loves walking with women through specific exercises to release their past and see their lives transformed by God. Connect with her on her Youtube channel.

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