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July 7 Prayer

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Happy July!  Are you looking for a July 7 prayer to read and reflect on? We provide a guiding Bible verse, prayer questions, and example prayer for the day below.

These all come from our July Bible Reading Plan about Living Waters, so click here for the printout so you can follow along with us!

Once you’ve received your printout, Please sign up here if you’d like to receive the prayer devotionals daily in your inbox. Each month we will provide a theme for the month, a reading plan, and then daily devotionals sent to you based on that reading plan. Here is July’s!

July 7 Prayer


Bible verse for July 7

“Jesus said to her, “Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”

John 4:13-14, ESV


Grab the July Bible Reading Plan below!

Prayer Reflections for July 7

I have found myself looking in “other wells” apart from God for fulfillment many times. Some of these wells have been seemingly good or neutral things, some not. Either way, they cannot fulfill me in the same way that Jesus can. 

I have made wells out of spiritual practices not aligned with my faith. I have made wells out of shopping for things I think I need, but don’t truly need. I have searched often in the well of my phone, looking for connection, or validation in mindless scrolling through social media. Not all of these wells are vices, and many can be used for good or in moderation. 

The problem comes when I go to these things for fulfillment. No amount of shopping, food, scrolling, accolades, money or status can fulfill the deep need we have within for connection with God. For there’s a God-shaped hole within each of us and only he can fill it. 

Am I looking for validation or fulfillment elsewhere via these other wells? Am I distracting myself from the things that matter most through wells that may not be poisoned but are not eternal? 

When Jesus encountered the woman at the well he offered her living water in himself that would never run dry. He offered the only well that completely satisfies to the deepest parts of one’s soul. 

May I remember today, and every day, to go to the source of living water, to go to the well that will never run dry for fulfillment, for peace and for life. For anything less will not provide what I truly need to endure the trials of life. 

July 7 Prayer 

Dear Lord, thank you for your patience and grace for the times I look to other wells for fulfillment apart from you. Please help me to remember that nothing can ever satisfy me as you can. Give me a pure heart that seeks you first, for your living water is eternal. Fix my eyes on what is unseen, and lasting. Place eternity in my heart and help me to value the things you value and love the way you love. Amen.


July 7 Resource of the Day

Want to strengthen your prayer life by how you pray for others? Find an organized way to handle prayer requests HERE!


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  • Amber Louise Reif

    Amber has loved the written word since she began reading at age 4. Her love of reading and writing has remained steady throughout her life. She enjoys deep conversations, tea, and hiking in nature with her husband and their two children. She is a former elementary school teacher turned homeschooling mom. She writes on substack at https://amberlouise.substack.com and on social media under the name “A Little Stronger Everyday.” Her writing often focuses on faith and spirituality as well as the real, raw and messy fullness of being human.

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