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I don’t have to tell you that the world we live in is becoming increasingly unstable. With the pandemic, politics, poverty, recession, and racial tension, emotions are high, and morale is low. Uncertainty is the keyword for our times.
It can be a struggle to walk in the light during these dark times, but through prayer, it’s possible. Here are 3 short prayers I pray every day for spiritual stability in this unstable world.
- Fill me, filter me, focus me.
- Help me, Lord!
- Tune my ear to your voice.
These simple prayers help me to be sober-minded, Spirit-filled, and sensitive to the Lord’s leading. They can do the same for you! Write them out, memorize them, pray them, and experience the Lord renew your mind and restore your spiritual stability.
Prayer #1 for Spiritual Stability
Heavenly Father, I ask that you would fill me with your Spirit, filter my thoughts and words with your scriptures, and focus me on your glory today. Clear out the distractions, bring your word to my remembrance, and give me your mind on things. I want to bring you glory, Lord, so please cleanse me from sin, and give me a fresh anointing of the Holy Spirit to accomplish your will, and represent you well today.
This is such an important prayer for me because I suffer from chronic pain. The brain fog and fatigue that comes with that can be extremely distracting. Through prayer, I petition the Lord for a clear mind, and the strength to endure the suffering.
This short prayer helps me to have a sober mind that is flooded with the scriptures, instead of worries, woes, and what-ifs. When I ask the Lord to fill me, filter me, and focus me, He gives me calm in the chaos of life.
You may not have the same infirmities of the flesh as I do. Maybe it’s financial problems, marital disagreements, a prodigal child, or work issues that cause you to lose your footing in your walk with the Lord. Or maybe the state of the world around you just has you feeling overwhelmed and off-kilter. Whatever uncertainties and insecurities you have, prayer is your first step toward solid ground.
Prayer #2 for Spiritual Stability
Help me, Lord! I need you every minute of every hour. Please help me to be the woman you want me to be, and fulfill the calling you have placed on my life. Help me, Lord, to forgive freely, give grace as I have been given, and love the unlovely as you have loved me. Without you, I can do nothing, but with you, I can do all things, so help me, Lord, to cleave to you today.
The Lord wants us to be completely dependent on Him, a perfect Father who loves and provides for His children. When we cry out to Him for deliverance, provision, or help of any kind, He answers according to His will. He gives grace to the weak, hope for the hurting, and rest for the weary who call upon His name with a humble heart.
This may be the single most effective prayer we could ever pray. Asking the Lord for help rids us of our self-sufficiency and builds Christ-like character in our hearts.
Prayer #3 for Spiritual Stability
There are so many voices vying for our attention these days. Everyone has an opinion on how we should live, what we should do, and how we should think. But God’s voice is the only one that truly matters, and we desperately need to hear it to have spiritual stability.
Dear Lord, please tune my ear to your voice today. I want to be sensitive to your Spirit. Quiet the noise of the world, the flesh, and the devil. Soothe my soul with your still small voice. Allow me to hear your words above the relentless roars of the enemy. Silence my inner critic and help me to stay firmly planted on the solid ground of truth.
I think of the prophet Elijah in 1 Kings chapter 19 when I pray this. He had a great victory against the prophets of Baal, but then he listened to the voice of Jezebel, and ran for his life. He eventually wound up in a cave, depleted, depressed, and despairing of life.
Then there was an earthquake, a fire, and after that the still small voice of the Lord. God gave Elijah steps to take to get out of that situation. I wonder if Elijah could’ve avoided the instability by praying instead of being fearful and running.
Spiritual Stability in Christ
Despite adversity and affliction, problems and pain, Jesus remained steady, because he was in constant communion with his Heavenly Father.
Prayer was a staple in Jesus’ life. He rose early in the morning to pray (Mark 1:35), departed alone to pray (Luke 5:16), and prayed through the night (Luke 6:12). Jesus even prayed short prayers like the ones above (Matthew 11:25, Luke 23:34).
If we want to have spiritual stability in this unstable world, we have to follow Jesus and his example to pray through it and trust the Lord.
Jesus is the only constant in this ever-changing world (Hebrews 13:8). He always has been, and always will be faithful and true.
When everything around us spins out of control, we can stand on the scriptures and trust our Savior to stabilize and strengthen us. He fills, filters, focuses, helps, and speaks straight to our hearts when we pray and seek his face.
Spiritual Stability Starts Here
If you have never repented of your sins and placed your faith in Jesus Christ, then that’s where you need to start for spiritual stability. Without a personal relationship with God, there is no peace, no hope, no steadiness in the storms of life.
But when you believe the gospel- that Jesus died on the cross for your sins, and was resurrected on the third day, you are born-again, with a new heart, mind, life, and purpose.
At salvation, the Holy Spirit takes up residency in you, seals you, comforts you, and teaches you the scriptures so you can live for the glory of God. The Bible comes alive and your heart rejoices in the things of the Lord. God’s Spirit, his Word, and his Church help you grow strong and stable.
So if you are not yet saved, I urge you to surrender your life to Christ today, repent, and believe the gospel. In exchange, you will get eternal life, peace with God, and fulfillment in Him. It’s the best decision you could ever make!
hayla T
Tuesday 13th of June 2023
to god be the glory, appreciate everyone that makes time to write these blogs and spread the gospel. may god continue to bless your heart in this unstable world you are loved .xoxo
Wednesday 1st of September 2021
Great prayer Bless you 🙏
Dawn Ward
Sunday 16th of August 2020
This is so good. I haven’t even thought to pray for spiritual stability, but I need it now more than ever. Because of addiction in our family, our world is often very unstable, but the Lord is a very steady peace in the storm. He is the rock on which I stand. I am grateful for this blog and these prayers as a reminder of that. Thank you.
Women Teaching Women: Be an Example in DiscipleshipDaily His Disciple
Wednesday 12th of August 2020
[…] 3 Short Prayers for Spiritual Stability […]
Nita K Banks
Sunday 9th of August 2020
Love this! Going to print it, pray it and practice it! Good Job and Praise the Lord for salvation and the power He provides in prayer!