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The Newest Text Prayer Line

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Have you ever laid in bed at night, with thousands of thoughts running through your mind?

Or maybe you wake up feeling the weight of the world.

There are many times that we can stop what we are doing and pray.

But what if you had someone to do it alongside you?

What if you had a text prayer line, that you could text whenever you need to type your thoughts out, and know that 35+ people around the world were going to pray for you?

Introducing….Pray With Confidence’s Text Prayer Line!

Our goal is to have a text prayer line for online prayer requests by Wednesday, March 10.

You could text a prayer to the phone number given, and get a response within 24 hours. That prayer would be passed to a confidential community, the writers behind Pray With Confidence, and you would have 37 women from all over the world praying your prayers.

No judgments. No questions asked. Just prayer.

However, we need your help!

In order to launch this text prayer line community, we need to raise the funds to be able to provide the financial support it needs for one year.

Just think- you could help once, and get a years worth of prayers from people all over.

We partnered with Promote the Hope (Sunday Cool) to create a two-week fundraiser. If we sell 150 shirts/hoodies, we will support the prayer line for a whole year!

Not only will you be supporting the prayer line, but you will be a walking reminder to anyone around you about the power of prayer!

Click here to visit the shop- we have until Sunday, March 7 to reach our goal of 150 shirts!!

Please share on your pages, with your churches, Bible studies, and more! We will let you know as soon as we have the phone number for the text prayer line!

Click below to Promote the Hope by purchasing one of these shirts or hoodies!

FAQ’s About The Pray With Confidence Prayer Line

How do I sign-up to join the text prayer line community?

On March 10, we will be sharing the number here that you can text to join the community! Once you text the number, you will be able to send prayer requests to the line anytime.

What does it mean to “subscribe” to the community?

To subscribe to the community means to give your phone number so you can be part of the app that manages the prayer line. Once you are signed up, you will be able to text 24/7 with any requests that you have.

Is it okay if I live outside the US?

Currently, we only have capabilities for the US and Canada. We are hoping for that to expand as time goes on!

Once I join, if I send a prayer request, how long does it take to get a response?

Our goal is to respond to every text within 24 hours. After that, if we get permission, we will share the prayer request to our confidential team of writers from all over the world that would pray for you.

Will I ever get messages beyond prayer requests?

Our goal is to have this be a network of “actionable” prayer. If we find resources that may benefit the situation you are going through, we may choose to send them your way. You can always request not to receive them.

Bottom line though: we are here to be a prayer community, not to bombard your inbox!

Do I have to be a Christian woman to text your prayer line?

Short answer, no. Jesus responded to everyone; so will we.

Pray With Confidence is a ministry for women who are overcoming prayer obstacles. However, this is a 100% judgment free zone. If you text us, you will get a response. You can even say in the text that you don’t believe in Jesus and you will still get the same love and prayers from us.

There are too many ministries that say “Everyone welcome” but don’t mean that. We do.

What if I have other questions about the prayer line?

If you have any questions about the text prayer line that were not answered above, please email Jessie Synan at jessie@jessiesynan.com.

Are you ready for the newest prayer line? Click below to support and know that you are the reason that people all over will be able to get answers to prayer!


  • Jessie Synan

    Jessie Synan is a dedicated Christian social media strategist, helping over 30 ministries quadruple+ their size and reach in the digital world. When she's not crafting online strategies, she serves as a part-time children's coordinator at her local church. She has her MA in Theological Studies.

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