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April 12 Prayer

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Are you looking for an April 12 prayer to read and reflect on? We provide a guiding Bible verse, prayer questions, and example prayer for the day below.

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Bible verse for April 12

“After the death of Joshua, the Israelites asked the Lord, “Who of us is to go up first to fight against the Canaanites?” (Judges 1:1)

Prayer Reflections for April 12

In the Old Testament, Joshua was the leader after Moses. He was faithfully the one who led the Israelites into the Promised Land. 
But after Joshua died, there was no leader. The Book of Judges follows the Book of Joshua, and it’s actually not about Judges. Well, not the way we think of them at least. The word actually comes from the Hebrew word shaphat, which means something similar to heroic leaders. 
Our God always has a plan. So if God always has a plan, why was there no leader chosen after Joshua?
Because God wanted to make sure that the Israelites trusted in God only, not in any leader.
It’s not that the Israelites didn’t have one leader like Moses or Joshua for a few years- it was over 300 years! 
During this time, God would appoint someone to lead the Israelites during an occasion here and there, and then it would go back to completely trusting God. 
The only way the Israelites got through these times, besides their faith in God, was that the people fit to lead in each circumstance said yes. They were created and needed for that moment. 
But what if they had said no? What if they were so enthralled in life’s issues that they were not reading God’s Word and preparing for that moment?
Joshua 1:8 says, “Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.” 
Joshua had prepared that generation to rely on the Word. They studied it daily (or more than daily,) so when God called them to an occasion they were ready. 
What can you do to be ready when God calls YOU to such an occasion? Will you be prepared and ready to answer?


April 12 Prayer 

Dear Lord, I want to meditate on your word day and night as Joshua did. I want to be prepared to serve God whenever He calls as all the leaders in Judges did. Lead me to quiet moments where I can focus on Your truth. Give me peace to be able to seek you in chaos. Let me always be ready for Your call, Amen.

Resource of the Day

Need help to take bold steps in faith? Here is an article on 3 Biblical ways to step out in faith that you may not have considered.


  • Jessie Synan

    Jessie Synan is a dedicated Christian social media strategist, helping over 30 ministries quadruple+ their size and reach in the digital world. When she's not crafting online strategies, she serves as a part-time children's coordinator at her local church. She has her MA in Theological Studies.

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