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Are you looking for an April 26 prayer to read and reflect on? We provide a guiding Bible verse, prayer questions, and example prayer for the day below.
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Bible Verse for April 26
Do not turn away after useless idols. They can do you no good, nor can they rescue you, because they are useless. For the sake of his great name, the LORD will not reject his people, because the LORD was pleased to make you his own. (1 Samuel 12:21-23)
Prayer Reflection for April 26
I’ll be the first to admit this…
I cannot count how many answered prayers I’ve forgotten.
I was reading through my prayer journal the other day, and I only read the last two months, and I was blown away by how many times God answered my prayer and I didn’t even realize because I was on the next prayer request.
I know this isn’t entirely my fault- I mean God did say “pray always,” but I also know prayer is not only about answered prayers from God. He created us because He wants a family. He wants a relationship with us.
As I continued to read my prayers I stopped to realize something: I had accidentally made answered prayers my idol.
The Oxford dictionary for idol is “an image or representation of a god used as an object of worship.” So let’s think about it. God isn’t just a genie- He has all the feelings and emotions we do (we were made in His image), and wants us. So to turn God into someone who just answers prayers could be a representation of God. If we are constantly seeking out prayer requests and making that our only type of prayer, then we are using it as an object of worship. It is definitely an object of worship if it is our only worship.
Does that mean stop praying big, bold prayer requests? Absolutely not! God wants to hear our whole heart. But when we make our prayer life simply about asking/receiving, and leave out the other parts such as praise, intercession, worship, etc. we are not only making answered prayers an idol but we are missing out on the best relationship of all time.
Dear God, Help me not to satisfy with idols of this world, but to truly seek You before anything else. Encourage me to make bold steps in faith so I am never satisfied with being comfortable in my faith. Amen.
Jessie Synan is a dedicated Christian social media strategist, helping over 30 ministries quadruple+ their size and reach in the digital world. When she's not crafting online strategies, she serves as a part-time children's coordinator at her local church. She has her MA in Theological Studies.
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