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February 22 Prayer

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Are you looking for a February 22 prayer to read and reflect on? We provide a guiding Bible verse, prayer questions, and example prayer for the day below.

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Find the February blessings and Bible reading plan for February here. The month’s theme is resting in God’s love.

Bible verse for February 22

 I say to myself, I wish I had wings like a dove! I’d fly away and rest. (Psalm 55:6 CEB)

Prayer Reflections for February 22

How often is rest, or comfort, our goal?


In this Psalm, trouble is surrounding David, and he just wants to “fly” away from it all and be at rest. 


How often have we just wanted to run away from a situation, or have it disappear? Are we accidentally making comfort, or rest, our idol?


Rest is important. We are told often to rest in the Bible, and Jesus made sure to do it too. But rest is to help us serve our ever-loving Father, not to avoid a situation. (Example: Jesus sleeping during the storm, instead of running away from the storm.)

1. When trouble arises, do you find yourself praying for the situation to go away, or for God to see you through the situation and help you grow through it?

February 22 Prayer

Dear God, Only you know how this situation will end. If it cannot go away, I ask you to reveal to me how you want me to grow through this challenging time. How can I draw closer to you as a result of the process? Give me the stamina and the energy to constantly turn to you during this time. Amen.

 Grab your February blessings reading plan!

Click on the image below to get to the free printable.




  • Jessie Synan

    Jessie Synan is a dedicated Christian social media strategist, helping over 30 ministries quadruple+ their size and reach in the digital world. When she's not crafting online strategies, she serves as a part-time children's coordinator at her local church. She has her MA in Theological Studies.

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