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Here is a powerful January 14 prayer to read and reflect on now, or save it for later.
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Bible verse for January 14 Prayer
“Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.” (Matthew 5:4)
Reflection Questions for your January 14 Prayer
When we think of the word “mourn,” we normally think of losing someone we love. However, in the culture during the time of the Book of Matthew, the word had a much larger meaning. Matthew was written to the Jewish population, so many experts believe that when he used the word “mourn” he was addressing the Jewish population mourning the times that Israel turned away from God.
However, mourning can be the loss of anything. So this verse still applies when we lose someone we love. It can also apply to when we lose life as it once was, a job, or anything that we feel deep grief over.
1. What is someone or something you have mourned in the previous year? Thinking back, what are ways that God showed up and/or comforted you during this time?
2. God comforts us when we mourn, whether it is for a situation outside of our control (loss of a loved one) or within our control (sin that we committed.) How do you feel knowing that no matter what type of situation it is, when we mourn God comforts us?
January 14 Prayer
Dear Lord, We know from your Living Word that you bless those who are mourning and comfort them (Matthew 5:4.) My earthly self would rather have the situation change, but sometimes I need to know that you will not always change the situation, but you will always comfort. Thank you for your constant and continual comfort no matter what we are mourning, Amen.
This booklet is a great resource to give to church visitors, youth groups, college-age students, or those questioning their salvation. Grab I Was Raised in Church, But Am I Saved?: A Guide to Evaluating Your Relationship with God here.