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Here is a powerful January 19 prayer to read and reflect on now, or save it for later.
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Bible verse for January 19 Prayer
Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse.” (Romans 12:14)
Reflection Questions for your January 19 Prayer
1. Who in your life do you feel like has persecuted you- whether right now or in the past?
2. When you talk about this person/people with someone else, what words come out of your mouth? How could you replace those words in order to line up with what Paul is saying in Romans 12:14?
3. What are some ways that you can bless someone that brings harm to you?
January 19 Prayer
Dear God, there is a time for righteous anger, but may it always be focused on bringing godly justice, not for my benefit but for the benefit of the Kingdom of God. May your blessings to me be poured out to those around me, no matter how they treat me, so they can see you better. Amen.
Have you ever hurt to the point of distraction? Does pain prevent you from doing everything you wish you could do? If so, Clinging to Jesus needs to be on your “must-read” list.