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What Your Simple Prayers Really Mean

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“This is silly. There’s no way God even hears these simple prayers.

Has this ever gone through your mind? Is this possibly you, right now?

If it is, or has ever been, then there is something you need to know.

God adores your simple prayers.

Let’s talk about it. 

Simple Prayers: God As a Friend

We all have that friend. You know the one. Every conversation is a big one—full of big stories, big problems, big drama. It may be exciting and funny for a while, but after a bit… it becomes a little much.

We all know someone like that. They’re an incredible and lovable person, but a little taxing, nonetheless.

Sometimes, the most refreshing and enjoyable times with friends are the simple times, with quiet conversations, friendly giggles, sometimes just companionable silence.

Not much is required, demanded, wailed, or cried about. It’s just a simple time of conversation, where you part ways feeling totally fulfilled.

God feels the same way about you. Remember, in the beginning of time when He created the world? He loved it all, said it was good, and then he created man—for fellowship.

Simple Fellowship

He met Adam and Eve in the garden and he walked with them and talked with them. Adam and Eve didn’t need to ask for anything in this perfect environment. It was a simple relationship, a friendship.

It was the same with Noah. In the midst of chaos, when the world was so bad God actually felt sorry he’d created man, there was Noah. Noah walked with God.

It was a simple relationship, a close one—one that God could totally and completely trust. In fact, he trusted Noah enough to do something completely crazy and unthinkable in the eyes of the rest of mankind.

He didn’t have to beg Noah. He simply just instructed him. They had that kind of friendship. In return, Noah and his family were spared.

God adores you in that exact way. It’s easy to feel like our “little, simple” prayers are inadequate—maybe even silly. But God loves those prayers.

When you take your coffee to your back porch in the crispy morning and say, “thank you, Lord, for this new day,” He is excited to meet you there.  And then you proceed to just be grateful for the beauty around you and for breath in your body. You are now that beautiful friend that is just so refreshing to be around.

Creating the Eden Environment

You’ve once again created that “Eden” environment, where communion between you and God flows smoothly, like good friends with a long history.

On those days when you feel down, drained, even despairing, and you take your coffee to your back porch with a heavy sigh, He is still there.

That simple prayer becomes a heartfelt request, and guess what? He’s all ears. Because you’ve created this beautiful relationship with your simple prayers. You’ve created a memorial of prayer, like Cornelius in the book of Acts.

There’s this place with God where you can feel totally confident praying simple prayers, because you know that’s the kind of relationship you have with Him.

It’s the same confidence Noah had; the same confidence God had in Noah.

He reminded Elijah in the Old Testament about it, too, with a still, small voice.

The gentle voice of friendship.

There’s depth there, my friend. There’s healing, faith and power to be found there. That’s the place to bring up your wayward children or your financial struggles.

It’s the place where you share your thankfulness, your thoughts, your feelings, your dreams and plans.

And it’s the place where God can speak to you in that still, small voice. It’s where He can speak simply and gently, because your friendship is that kind. 

This is a peaceful place, a place of friendship and long memories.

“God, remember that time when I didn’t know what to do and You brought me a miracle? God, I remember that. And I know that if you saw me through that, you can see me through this. So, I just want to thank You for being so kind, for always protecting me and seeing me through.”

It’s beautiful to God, and it’s a powerful, faith-building prayer for you, too. There’s a place for intercession, for supplication and travail, but always remember the beauty and power of your relationship with God, and all those amazing talks between you.

He’s your friend. You’re His. Nothing you say to Him is silly, and He loves talking with you, because you’re close, close friends.

So, get your coffee. Step out on your back porch and feel confident and expectant, because you have a dear Friend who is already waiting to meet you there, waiting to relish those beautiful, simple prayers.

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  • Elizabeth Jimenez

    Elizabeth is the author and founder of MamaFearless.com, a community that encourages mamas-to-be, first-time mamas and all moms to walk courageously into every season. Her miraculous pregnancy and childbirth experience impassioned her to create a place that waged war against fear on behalf of all mamas. She has written a few books for mamas and women and shares all the quirky little aspects of daily mom life on her Instagram page. You are continually in her prayers!

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Ava James

Wednesday 3rd of June 2020

I love simple prayers. Just as l am, vulnerable and exposed. And finding safety and security in the Everlasting arms. Especially when you learning how to pray. I sometimes see my new Christian friends not knowing what to say. And l forgot because growng up in church as a pastor's kid you can forget how l might have learned by practice and through example. Not all new Christian's have this mentorship. Thank you for sharing!


Tuesday 2nd of June 2020

Help! Is my most often simple prayer. The other is, Wow, God, Wow.


Monday 1st of June 2020

When I was younger prayer I was so focused on saying the “right” words when God only wanted my sincere words. Shifting made a big difference.

Bosede Santos

Monday 1st of June 2020

What joy to know that our relationship with God is no different than that of a close friend or a lover. Those silent whispers and even unsaid words that He who created the heart can read and hear. I'm comforted knowing He requires no spiritual gymnastics to answer my prayers. He says He sees the heart ... 1 Sam. 16:7. Thank You Abba that simple will do!


Monday 1st of June 2020

What a lovely post! Sometimes it is the simple prayers that have the greatest impact! Something I do love is the fact that even though I don’t know what to say at times, I can rest in peace Knowing that He knows my heart!

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