If you are searching for prayers for a broken family, there are a few things to remember… In life’s tough moments, we may find ourselves dreaming of the perfect family, where there is abundant joy everywhere and God’s love obviously shining through. But let’s face it. In reality, families can be messy, with hurt and …
Prayers of repentance can be a beautiful way to thank God for His steadfast love by constantly going to Him in prayer whenever we are led astray. In moments of reflection and spiritual growth, repentance prayers serve as powerful tools for seeking forgiveness and renewing our connection to God. Repentance is actually one of the …
If you have landed on this page, take a moment to pause and give yourself grace and recognition. You are searching up Easter prayers for your family! How amazing is that? There is no better time for families to unite in prayer, so we want to provide you with easy ways to do so. Easter …
No one should ever have the feeling that they have nowhere to send their urgent prayer request. In times of urgent need, when we face life’s most challenging moments, many of us turn to the power of prayer. It’s during these difficult times that our faith in Jesus Christ becomes our only hope guiding us …
It is great that you are looking for a prayer for driving because that means that your heart is going to God first for everything about driving. Grab these different prayers we have below for drivers, divided by category so you can find the best way to pray. I remember my driving test. I barely passed. …
If you are looking for let go and let God prayers, know that these prayers you are about to read are straight from the heart of a hot mess of a Christian. If you’re looking for perfection, you’re in the wrong place. How’s that to start a blog post? 🙂 Honestly though- I created Pray With …
If you are feeling the need for prayers for endurance, there is most likely one of two major things going on. Either: God has given you clarity for what He has called you to do (not the whole road map of course, but at least the next step) but the enemy has swooped in big-time …
If you are looking for Saturday morning prayers, it means that your heart is in the right place as you try to seek God first before the busyness of the weekend. How amazing is that! There is something undeniably unique about the quiet, serene moments of Saturday mornings, where the weekend stretches ahead, promising a …
Happy August! Are you looking for an August 29 prayer to read and reflect on? We provide a guiding Bible verse, prayer questions, and example prayer for the day below. These all come from our August Bible Reading Plan about Overwhelming Peace, so click here for the printout so you can follow along with us! …
Get ready, because this is a great list that you’ll really want to save. If you’re a Christian woman looking to make your prayers more focused while being able to keep track of your prayer journey, this is for you. We’re talking about the best prayer journals for women! Imagine this: writing down your thoughts …