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Here is a powerful January 16 prayer to read and reflect on now, or save it for later.
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Bible verse for January 16 Prayer
May God bless us still, so that all the ends of the earth will fear him. (Psalm 67:7)
Reflection Questions for your January 16 Prayer
Psalm 67 was written well-before Jesus would come and present us with the Great Commission. At this time, the Israelites knew they were the chosen people by God. This verse asks that God will bless the people so that everyone can come to know Him and be blessed by Him. This was a bold prayer, especially during the time in which it was written. When Jesus came, He fulfilled this by being available for everyone, both the Gentile and the Jew.
- This verse asks that God can bless us for the purpose of having the whole world know about Him. Set a timer for two minutes. Try to write down every single blessing in your life that you have. When the timer is up, look at your list. How can you use those blessings to help share who God is with the world?
- Loving God can be shown in many ways. One way God’s love can be shown is through action. What is one action you can do today to share God’s love?
January 16 Prayer
Dear God, One of the greatest blessings is being able to be a part of the story of how the ends of the earth came to know you as Lord. Continue to help me grow so I can better become part of this mission each day, Amen!
A Bible Journal with writing prompts for your daily readings, no matter what Bible study you are doing at the time.