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Here is a powerful January 25 prayer to read and reflect on now, or save for later.
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Bible verse for January 25 Prayer
Blessed are those who keep his statutes
and seek him with all their heart—
they do no wrong
but follow his ways. (Psalm 119:2-3 ESV)
Reflection for your January 25 Prayer
Righteous. Trustworthy. Eternal. True.
We would follow something that is all four of those characteristics, right?
This is the easiest way to sum up the longest Psalm in the Bible: Psalm 119.
Psalm 119 is an acrostic poem, with each stanza matching a part of the Hebrew alphabet. From the first letter to the last, the entire Psalm discusses God’s law, which we today call the Bible.
In Tremper Longman III’s commentary of Psalms (sidenote: this commentary of the Psalms is my absolute favorite resource for learning the Psalms, I carry it with my Bible to refer to it, I cannot say enough great things about it) he explains that all these stanzas really define the law in four different ways: righteous, trustworthy, eternal, and true.
Here is an important note about our Bible verse of the day though. This verse says that if we follow God’s law 100%, we will do no wrong and follow His ways. How much pressure must that have been on the Jewish people! The goal was to do no wrong and follow every single law, which was 613 of them at the time.
Now, instead of 613, we focus on 3:16: “For God so loved the world that He gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”
This doesn’t make Psalm 119:2-3 any less true. It actually makes it complete. We want to seek him with all our heart, and follow His Word all of the ways. If we did that all 100% we wouldn’t do any wrong. But we also now see the whole picture- we are human and will always fall short. That is why John 3:16 is a verse we all cling to, because God sent Jesus to save us from our sins.
This means that there is now only one way we can grow perfect. Matthew 5:48 says, “You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly father is perfect.” This verse comes after multiple verses of loving people, especially those that are hard to love.
So now, our goal is still to seek his statutes, and to seek Him with all our heart. May all of this lead to us growing more perfect in love, to love like God does.
Reflection Questions for Psalm 119:2-3
- In what ways do you best seek God? In what parts of your life do you still struggle to seek God?
- What would life look like if you truly sought God with your entire heart?
January 25 Prayer
Dear God, Please bless me as I work on keeping your Word close to my heart. Help me seek you with my whole heart, and grow more perfect in loving people each and every day. Amen.
Resource of the Day
An explanation of “Can You See Me Now?“:
“Smartphones…social media…video chats. If women are more connected than ever, why do so many suffer from isolation and loneliness?
We all want to belong and be loved. But, what happens when you get passed over, left out, or seem invisible?
How do you make new friends, navigate drama, and enjoy authentic connections?
Can You See Me Now? reveals how you were handpicked by God to express love, thrive in community, and enhance the world around you. Cheri Strange’s scriptural approach combined with captivating stories will show you how to:
• Cultivate the courage to connect with others
• Find people who fill your heart rather than drain your soul
• Counter the nay-sayers who prefer you remain quiet
• Kiss goodbye to the old tendencies to blend into the wallpaper