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Here is a powerful January 29 prayer to read and reflect on now, or save for later.
If you’d like to receive these prayers daily, with a worksheet, please sign up here.
Find the January blessings reading plan (with a free printable) here.
Bible verse for January 29 Prayer
“You will be enriched in every way to be generous in every way, which through us will produce thanksgiving to God.” (2 Corinthians 9:11)
Question for your January 29 Prayer
Enrichment (blessing) –> Generosity–> Thanksgiving. That seems to be a great template of how to give to God while giving to others. Think of the last blessing you received from God. How did it spark your generosity and Thanksgiving?
January 29 Prayer
Dear God, Help me to make every blessing in life the fuel for my generosity and Thanksgiving to you. Amen.